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We believe good behaviour enables effective learning, and that effective teaching and learning promote good behaviour. This statement is to be taken in conjunction with the school behaviour policy and home school agreement which are reviewed and approved regularly by the governing body.

Governors also require the headteacher to ensure that:

  • there are specific steps to promote safe, positive behaviour, well planned and engaging lessons, student posts of responsibility and relevant training, assemblies and special events
  • children are fully aware of what good behaviour within the community means. Children should be helped to appreciate the damage and hurt that inappropriate behaviour such as bullying (verbal and cyber) and violence causes, and should be taught how to protect themselves and others from harm
  • positive behaviour of all types is rewarded and celebrated frequently to create a positive learning ethos where children feel valued and have positive role models to follow.
  • staff work within the spirit of the Human Rights Act and the Disability Discrimination Act, which requires reasonable adjustments to be made when a child’s learning and development are affected by a disability
  • parents have easy access to relevant policies and that they are able to communicate easily with the school in the event of concerns
  • consisitency for good behaviour is known, understood and applied by all staff
  • the use of reasonable force and restraint follows the DfE guidance
  • there are effective systems in place to support children with emotional and behavioural needs to enable them to be educated with their peers wherever possible

Children and adults should act as appropriate ambassadors for the school on, for example, school trips, sports events and journeys to and from school.

We request that parents and carers help us to work effectively with the children by informing the headteacher or class teacher of any changes or difficulties which might affect the child or if you are experiencing difficult behaviour at home. The earlier we can work together the more effective the school can be in supporting the children in their learning and development.