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  • 05/06/24


      Year 5 and 6 children took part in different athletic activities against children from Chidham and Westbourne schools. These included throwing, jumping and both short and long distance running.
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  • 23/05/24

    Lunch with a Scientist

    This week as part of lunch with a scientist we were visited by a doctor. She brought in some really interesting equipment for us to have a look at.
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  • 22/05/24

    Congratulations Finn!

    Finn won the Bloor housing competition of ‘designing a bedroom for the show house’. On Friday Finn went to visit the show home on Cooks Lane to see his design for real!  What an amazing room!
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  • 20/05/24

    Broomfield Photographic Competition

    Well done children, your entries were amazing! 
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  • 29/04/24

    Lunch with a Scientist

    Our visitor for lunch with a scientist this week was with a arborist/tree officer. We learnt some interesting information about their job and even some Latin names for trees.
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  • 24/04/24

    Lunch with a Scientist

    Our lunch with a scientist visitor this week was an actuary/statistician. It was really interesting to find out how statistics are used in real life.
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  • 28/03/24

    Lunch with a Scientist

    This week as part of lunch with a scientist we were visited by a mechanical design engineer. We were lucky enough to look at some of the equipment and prototypes our visitor had brought in to show us.
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  • 28/03/24

    Chichester Corporate Challenge

    Our runners have represented Southbourne fantastically over the last few weeks, competing against other primary schools in the Corporate Challenge road races in Chichester. The Year 6 boys’ team won their event, with the fastest team times over the three races - well done, boys! We are so prou...
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  • 28/03/24

    Lions Club - Poster of Peace Competition

    Congratulations to Imogen! She is the proud winner of the Southbourne Lions Poster of Peace competition
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  • 28/03/24

    Y6 Visit St John's Church for Easter Service

    Year 6 enjoyed visiting St John’s Church to explore their Easter display and learn more about the days and events leading up to Easter Sunday.
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  • 19/03/24

    Science Fair Award Winners

    A huge well done to everyone who entered the science competition this year. Our external judge was super impressed with all of your ideas and it was very hard to choose a top three!
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  • 12/03/24

    Science Week 2024

    This week, as part of British Science week, we had a science themed day in school. Each teacher planned an activity based around this year’s theme which was Time’.
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