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  • 25/09/24

    Y4 group of pupils visited Age Concern

    Year 4 group of pupils visited Age Concern next door to talk to the members about their childhood memories, the children were surprised to find out that the building was the old Southbourne School! 
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  • 05/06/24


      Year 5 and 6 children took part in different athletic activities against children from Chidham and Westbourne schools. These included throwing, jumping and both short and long distance running.
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  • 23/05/24

    Lunch with a Scientist

    This week as part of lunch with a scientist we were visited by a doctor. She brought in some really interesting equipment for us to have a look at.
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  • 22/05/24

    Congratulations Finn!

    Finn won the Bloor housing competition of ‘designing a bedroom for the show house’. On Friday Finn went to visit the show home on Cooks Lane to see his design for real!  What an amazing room!
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  • 20/05/24

    Broomfield Photographic Competition

    Well done children, your entries were amazing! 
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  • 29/04/24

    Lunch with a Scientist

    Our visitor for lunch with a scientist this week was with a arborist/tree officer. We learnt some interesting information about their job and even some Latin names for trees.
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  • 24/04/24

    Lunch with a Scientist

    Our lunch with a scientist visitor this week was an actuary/statistician. It was really interesting to find out how statistics are used in real life.
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  • 28/03/24

    Lunch with a Scientist

    This week as part of lunch with a scientist we were visited by a mechanical design engineer. We were lucky enough to look at some of the equipment and prototypes our visitor had brought in to show us.
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  • 28/03/24

    Chichester Corporate Challenge

    Our runners have represented Southbourne fantastically over the last few weeks, competing against other primary schools in the Corporate Challenge road races in Chichester. The Year 6 boys’ team won their event, with the fastest team times over the three races - well done, boys! We are so prou...
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  • 28/03/24

    Lions Club - Poster of Peace Competition

    Congratulations to Imogen! She is the proud winner of the Southbourne Lions Poster of Peace competition
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  • 28/03/24

    Y6 Visit St John's Church for Easter Service

    Year 6 enjoyed visiting St John’s Church to explore their Easter display and learn more about the days and events leading up to Easter Sunday.
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  • 19/03/24

    Science Fair Award Winners

    A huge well done to everyone who entered the science competition this year. Our external judge was super impressed with all of your ideas and it was very hard to choose a top three!
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