Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Iszi Lawrence as part of Chichester Book Fest. Iszi shared the history and inspiration behind her story ‘City of Spies’, and all children received their own copy. Happy reading, year 6!
This morning we welcomed Richard, from St John’s Church, to lead our harvest festival assembly, which celebrated this special time of year and encouraged us all to be thankful for what we have. Thank you for all your generous donations which will be shared with Chichester Food Bank. Our new Ye...
Year 4 group of pupils visited Age Concern next door to talk to the members about their childhood memories, the children were surprised to find out that the building was the old Southbourne School!
Year 5 and 6 children took part in different athletic activities against children from Chidham and Westbourne schools. These included throwing, jumping and both short and long distance running.
Finn won the Bloor housing competition of ‘designing a bedroom for the show house’. On Friday Finn went to visit the show home on Cooks Lane to see his design for real!
What an amazing room!
Our visitor for lunch with a scientist this week was with a arborist/tree officer. We learnt some interesting information about their job and even some Latin names for trees.
This week as part of lunch with a scientist we were visited by a mechanical design engineer. We were lucky enough to look at some of the equipment and prototypes our visitor had brought in to show us.