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At Southbourne Juniors we aim to produce enthusiastic, independent and reflective writers who are confident in applying their writing skills to a range of genres, audiences and purposes. Key skills are taught through learning journeys which begin with an exciting hook. We place great emphasis on the link between reading and writing, children discuss writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar. Pupils draft, edit and improve their work building towards a final piece. Teachers ensure that there is a real audience and purpose for the children’s writing by enhancing the curriculum through theatre visits, drama activities, book days and visits by authors, storytellers and illustrators.

 'I've enjoyed learning about show don't tell because it has had an astonishing effect on my writing' Year 4 writer.

 'I really enjoyed writing stories and especially liked writing our own adventure story based on the work we did in Geography on the Australian bush fires.' Year 5 writer.

'I enjoy writing stories because we get to put our own twist on things, everyone has their own ideas about it.' Year 5 writer.