At Southbourne Juniors, our vision for PSHE and RSE is the development of a ‘Curriculum for Life’: a programme which goes far beyond the statutory requirements and equips children to meet the many challenges and opportunities they will experience through life’s journey.
We strive for a curriculum where pupils not only learn the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to grow up as healthy individuals, but also develop a sense of their own moral compass, enabling them to be in control of their own choices as agents in their own lives.
The core themes of PSHE (diversity, British values, online safety, wellbeing and financial education) to name but a few, spiral through our curriculum from year 3 to year 6. Revisiting concepts ensures that our pupils know and remember more, so the knowledge sticks and they can apply their learning as they navigate the many moral, social and cultural issues they will face in this complex world, both online and offline, now, in their teenage years and beyond.
Since PSHE incorporates the development of the whole child, learning does not just take place through the taught curriculum, but through all aspects of school life underpinned by our ethos, vision and values. Our school community serves to act as a miniature world where pupils practise and appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse and multicultural society, making successful relationships with people from all walks of life. Through PSHE, we teach about equality in two ways. Firstly by providing opportunities for pupils to develop skills and strategies to challenge issues of prejudice and discrimination, and secondly, ensuring our PSHE programme itself has an equalising effect, allowing every child access to teaching about things that matter to every human being.
Our PSHE and RSE curriculum is about the present and the future: constantly evolving to respond to the needs of pupils in an ever changing world and supporting pupils not only to build a successful future for themselves, but to lead the future for the human race and the society of tomorrow.
'We learnt about money and how to use it responsibly by choosing the most responsible ways to spend and save it.' Year 4 pupil